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Are You Grinding Your Teeth in Your Sleep?

Are You Grinding Your Teeth in Your Sleep

Do you clench your jaw or grind your teeth on a consistent or habitual basis?

Also referred to as bruxism, occasional grinding of your teeth is nothing to worry about. It’s usually situational and goes away after the problem is resolved. It’s not until the grinding becomes habitual or constant that it starts to reshape our teeth and leads to permanent damage.

What Causes Nocturnal (Nightime) Bruxism?

There are plenty of reasons for grinding your teeth while you sleep. These can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Sleep apnea
  • Abnormal bite patterns
  • Pain or ongoing dental issues

Many causes can be easily corrected with the help of your Red Deer dentists, but some will require ongoing treatment like nightguards or a breathing machine for sleep apnea.

Signs and Symptoms of Grinding Your Teeth at Night

When we do things in our sleep, it can be really difficult to realize that they are happening at all. The same goes for grinding your teeth. Some people start nocturnal bruxism in their childhood. Dentists can usually catch this at an early age and take corrective measures to protect your future smile.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of times that this doesn’t start until you have reached adulthood. In these instances, pay attention to any pain that you experience when you wake up. If you are only spending a portion of the evening grinding your teeth, then it can take quite a while to uncover the problem.

Symptoms of grinding your teeth at night can include:

  • Pain or stiffness in your jaw
  • Broken or damaged teeth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Sores or bite marks on the tongue or cheeks
  • Headaches that occur frequently, especially in the morning

There are also times when bruxism may be identified by a family member who hears you grinding your teeth at night. This can happen at different stages during your sleep pattern, but it may not be loud enough to disturb a light sleeper. If you believe that you might be grinding your teeth at night, it’s important to talk to your dentist as quickly as possible. They can check your teeth for any signs of wear and advise you on ways to stop the problem before it becomes any worse.

Don’t Ignore Teeth Grinding! Contact Our Clinic in Red Deer ASAP

Ignoring nocturnal bruxism can lead to chronic pain, myofascial pain, damage to your teeth, and even the loss of certain teeth. It’s important to speak to your dentist as soon as you believe that you have a problem.

Is the sound of grinding teeth keeping you or your partner up at night? Call your Parkland Mall Dental Centre at 403-342-1118 or use our online contact form today. We are currently accepting new dental patients.

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